The price range of a wedding is quite large and depends on the set of services you want. A debauchery of means is not the guarantee of the success of this event and do not forget that it is above all about you and that this day must be with your image.

The cheapest

No minimum price, we can imagine a wedding without ceremony or reception, in civil dress and at the town hall, which would cost nothing!

The most expensive

The wedding that Lakshmi Mittal offered to his daughter in 2004 at Vaux-le-Vicomte and at the Palace of Versailles was one of the most expensive of all times, 55 million euros! Today, the average cost in France is around 10,500 euros for 100 guests Whatever the cost of the wedding, it must correspond to what you expect. Specify your requirements and quantify them before asking for quotes, which will give you an idea of the costs before you get any proposals. Make use of the competition, it is strong on the wedding market. You should also know that intermediaries can be paid by the service providers, with a commission that can reach 10 to 15%. As much as possible, contact the different providers directly. The wedding is a unique moment in life, rare are those who have a great experience, moreover the decision makers of the purchase are often the bride and groom and the payers, the parents. This contributes to increase the prices by the providers. Be careful and do not let yourself be seduced by the price and the service. Finally, margins are always substantial when it comes to weddings, so don't hesitate to negotiate.

How much does a marriage contract cost before a notary?

The price of a marriage contract (before the wedding) before a notary varies between 250 and 350 euros, sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on your region and your notary. These prices correspond to a contract of separation of property without specificity.